Jelika marwati

The part of english language
Before starting study english we must know about term of english language,,, part of speech and part of sentence explain us about the term of english language

Parts of Speech

  • Noun: names a person, place, thing, idea (Lulu, jail, cantaloupe, loyalty, and so on) 
  • Pronoun: takes the place of a noun (he, who, I, what, and so on) 
  • Verb: expresses action or being (scrambled, was, should win, and so on) 
  • Adjective: describes a noun or pronoun (messy, strange, alien, and so on) 
  • Adverb: describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb (willingly, woefully, very, and so on) 
  • Preposition: relates a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence (by, for, from, and so on) 
  • Conjunction: ties two words or groups of words together (and, after, although, and so on) 
  • iInterjection: expresses strong emotion (yikesi wow! ouch! and so on)  

Parts of a Sentence 

  • Verb (also called the predicate): expresses the action or state of being 
  • Subject: the person or thing being talked about 
  • Complement: a word or group of words that completes the meaning of the subject-verb pair 
  • Types of complements: direct and indirect objects, subject complement, objective complement 
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