Jelika marwati
56  Methods in Teaching (part 9)

This activity lets students give their thoughts, ideas and opinions on an issue and makes them think carefully about what, precisely, they would like to say and how best to express it.
How does it work?
a.    Each student receives three stick.
b.    Students commence a debate on a relevant issue.
c.    Every time that someone speaks, they must hand in a stick.
d.    Once the three stick have been used the person cannot speak any more. This may encourage students to think carefully about what they would like to say and to ensure that they communicate effectively.
e.    Everyone should b encouraged to use all their stick.
 f.    Teacher may wish to write up important points on a board or flip chart during the discussion.
This physical activity might be useful as a stimulus in order to encourage students to reflect upon and engage in discussion about a particular issue.
How does it work?
a.    Students get into a group
b.    They are asked physically to pose in a “snapshot” representation of generalized moment.
c.    Students could work together as a group to discuss what they are being asked to depict.
d.    Students could act out a role and freeze on the teachers’ command.
48.  TABOO
This activity focuses on the art of clear explanation. It develops the communication strategies and competence of students and encourages student to think in a creative and imaginative.
How does it work?
a.  Students cluster in group of three or four.
b.  Each group receives an envelope containing word cards.
c.  Students look over their words and have an allocated time to consider in their group.
d.  Each group then takes it in turn to describe one of their words within a time limit.
This activity likewise offers students the chance to give their thoughts, ideas and opinions on an issue without being interrupted. It also focuses on the active listening skills of students.
How does it work?
  a.  A suitable object is identified as the talking tool.
  b.  Students hold discussion around a particular issue.
  c.  It is advisable not to simply pass the object around one person at the time.
  d.  Students should instead be encouraged to listen carefully to what is being said.
This activity promotes students to reflect on an issue or problem and then to share that thinking with others. Students are encouraged to justify their stance using clear examples and clarity of thought and expression. Students extend their conceptual understanding of a topic and grain practice in using other peoples’ opinions to develop their own.
How does it work?
  a.  Teacher present the class with a particular problem or issue.
  b.  Using a post – its collection, students spend a period of time gathering their personal thoughts on the question in hand.
  c.  Students then discuss their thinking and justify their opinions with a partner.
They should aim to be clear in their thought and consequent explanation.
  d.  Teacher may wish to given students time – out at this juncture in order to allow for peer assessment.
  e.  Students might also be given a short period of time to embellish their information and opinion before moving into larger groups of four.

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