What Makes an Accent?
Accent seems so natural to us, that we sometimes forget what makes an accent. Basically, the way you pronounce each sound of the language affects your overall accent. For example, the sound of the letter R is pronounced differently by Spanish, German and English speakers. The same is true for many other sounds. And so you get your accent…The method to improve your English accent, or your English word pronunciation, is to practice the proper ways to pronounce the sounds of English.Each sound is produced in a certain way, and when you produce it right, it sounds natural.Here you have a special step by step tutorial, which will gradually lead you through the different English sounds. And hopefully, after completing it, you will not be the same person! Or at least, you will not have the same accent… The tutorial is composed of explanations, examples, exercises and videos. The videos were collected from several sources, and from different English teachers. These teachers share their skill and knowledge with us in the most efficient way – videos. And this is truly awesome.
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